It's been quite sometime since I have posted.
Here is an excerpt from a great book that I have read. I would recommend this book because of this concept of "Clown car" in a book by Mark Manson
Link to the book:
Here is the excerpt that I liked:
Let's pretend your mind is a car. Let's call it the "Consciousness car". Your Consciousness Car is driving along the road of life...
Now, there are 2 travellers in your Consciousness Car: a Thinking brain and a feeling brain...
We generally assume that Thinking brain is driving our consciousness...
Here is the truth: the feeling brain is driving our consciousness car...
If thinking brain is weak and/or uneducated, or if the feeling brain is riled up, the thinking brain will succumb to the feeling brain's fiery whims and dangerous driving. It will lose the ability to think for itself or to contradict the feeling brain's conclusions. This effectively turns your consciousness car into a Clown car...
Your consciousness car becomes a clown car when your thinking brain has completely capitulated to your feeling brain, when your life's pursuits are determined purely by self-gratification, when truth warps into a cartoon of self-serving assumptions, when all beliefs and principles are lost in a sea of nihilism.
The clown car invariably drives toward addiction, narcissim, and compulsion. People whose minds are clown cars are easily manipulated by whatever person or group makes them feel good consistently. whether it is a religious leader, politician, self-help guru, or sinister internet forum. A clown car will gladly steam roll other consciousness cars (i.e. other people) with its big red rubbery tiers because its thinking brain will justify this by saying they deserved it - they were evil, inferior, or part of some made-up problem.
It's hard to pull someone out of the clown car once they're in it. In the clown car, the thinking brain has been bullied and abused by the feeling brain for so long that it develops a sort of Stockholm syndrome - it can't imagine a life beyond pleasing and justifying the feeling brain. It can't fathom contradicting the feeling brain or challenging it on where it's going, and it resents you for suggesting that it should. With the clown car, there's no independent thought and no ability to measure contradiction or switch beliefs or opinions. In a sense, the person with a clown car mind ceases to have an individual identity at all.
This is a blog entry about a profound excerpt from an Inspiring book. To read the rest of the blog entries you may click here:
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